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Thank you

Benny was made in December 2018, as I wanted to learn to code. It went through many iterations, particularly during 2020, when the entire codebase was rewritten, to form the bot and dashboard that most users were familiar with. In this time, Benny experienced a pretty significant growth in users, jumping from a few hundred servers, to over 3000. It then continued to grow and provide a range of tools to users, with notable favourites being the economy, levelling and reaction role systems.

Unfortunately, in recent years, I had very little time to maintain the bot, and did the bare-minimum maintenance upgrades, continuing to provide Benny free of charge to all users. This led to my ultimate decision to shut Benny down on the 14th of July, 2024. I'd like to offer a huge thanks to all the people who helped out over the years, the Staff team, the people who helped translate Benny to provide support for over 10 languages, but most importantly to you, for using Benny and being a part of the community.

Levelling and economy data will soon be available here to download. All other data has been deleted. If you'd like to have your remaining data deleted, please reach out in the Discord server.